Outreach Committee
Points of Contact: Rachel Long
The goal of this committee is to create a network that supports current students in furthering their education and careers with generations of MHS alumni. We intend to do this by encouraging connections between current students as well as alumni.
Scholarship Committee
Points of Contact: Quinton Law and Kelly Eaise
Senior Scholarship
The Moorestown Alumni Association has created a scholarship to be awarded to a high school senior to support students and empower them to achieve their higher educational goals. Moorestown High School was instrumental in shaping each and every member of MAA into the person they are today. Our mission is to give back to the community that prepared us for post-graduate life, and believe there are no better recipients than Moorestown High School seniors. We are highlighting and rewarding students who demonstrate a dedication to their studies, service, and their extracurricular activities. This is a merit-based scholarship intended to assist students along their collegiate journeys.
Junior Scholarship
The Moorestown Alumni Association is offering two rising High School seniors the opportunity to receive an all expenses paid SAT prep and college essay course. This scholarship is based on Financial need. MAA understands that preparing for college can be costly, and this scholarship was developed in order to help students with that financial need. The ideal candidate would be a student in financial need, driven, and willing to spend the necessary time to take advantage of this opportunity. Please go to our website to learn more about the Association.
(Collegiate Prep Website http://collegiate-prep.com/ )
Fundraising Committee
Points of Contact: Melvin Sheppard
The goal of this committee is to plan fundraising within the community in order to generate a scholarship fund as well as reach out to different businesses to receive donations.
Commutations Committee
Points of Contact: Joyce Clark and Melvin Sheppard
The Commutations Committee is responsible for the social media channel and the website. We also create alumni spotlight and will be spearheading the creation of the alumni mentorship program